How to limit sugar intake


How to limit sugar intake Before we start reading further, the below is not a doctor’s advice, please consult a certified nutrition Doctor before you change your diet plan. In modern times due to the reduction of poverty in a lot of countries, the availability of processed food at a cheaper rate caused an increase … Read more

Bhakti vs Jnana vs Karma Yoga

Bhakti vs Jnana vs Karma Yoga

Differentiate Bhakti vs Jnana vs Karma Yoga For a layman who never studied Hinduism, The below may be difficult to understand or look utterly new, however, a start has to be made somewhere provided you are interested. Bhakti in Sanskrit means Devotion. Jnana in Sanskrit means Knowledge. Karma in Sanskrit means action. You may choose … Read more

What is Yoga

what is Yoga

What is Yoga We know one of the popular exports from India is “Yoga”. You need not follow any religion or philosophy to have a good life. The concept of Yoga itself is enough to give you a healthy life and more mental clarity on various things in the world. Here below are the core … Read more