Surya Namaskar: Ultimate workout

Surya namaskar

Throw light on the importance of surya namaskar Surya Namaskar, also called Sun Salutation, is a fundamental yoga practice consisting of a flowing sequence of 12 postures. It’s a full-body workout that incorporates stretching, strengthening, and cardiovascular benefits. Do not try these without a professional help, this information is to provide you an awareness. If … Read more

Managing Workplace Stress

Managing workplace stress

Managing workplace stress is definitely important for your well-being and productivity. Here are some techniques you can use: As for bragging about managing workplace stress, it’s generally not a good idea. Here’s why: If you are managing workplace stress well, you can: Focus on sharing the positive aspects of your stress management routine, not bragging … Read more

Dharma the unique concept Indian Philosophy

Dharma Chakra Konark Temple

Dharma is an unique concept in Indian philosophy Dharma is a central concept shared by many religions in the Indian subcontinent, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Dharma is often translated as “duty,” “virtue,” or “righteousness,” but its meaning is more complex. It refers to the moral and ethical duties and responsibilities that individuals must … Read more

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