When you should get into the spiritual path?

When you should get into the spiritual path?

Before we get into answering the question, we need to understand what actually it means about the spiritual path.

The word spirit is somewhat synonymous with soul or Atma in Sanskrit, though Atma in Sanskrit has a means of pervasiveness in every being, then spiritual path means exploring more about the soul or Atma and trying to understand more about these, however, what actually we are achieving by knowing more about these?, is spirit or soul or Atma a real object? and have any properties? this now gets into technicalities of spirit or soul or Atma which we can deal with later.

Often people think about realizing or seeing god or going to paradise is possible with a spiritual path, however, notice that this is an assumption and religion survives on this assumption.

Now to the question when should I get into the spiritual path? let’s examine this.

After you were born? The answer is certainly “NO” since humans require a lot of care from their parents to survive.

After you reach a certain age? Possibly Yes but what age?

Before we conclude on age, the question comes to our minds is what is the purpose of our existence? is it to achieve god realization or paradise? don’t we have any responsibilities towards the parents and community with the help of which we survived, this makes one valid argument that after you were born and assuming you’ve completed your social responsibilities then you are good to go with the spiritual path.

Human life is defined as below like a progressive path.

Brahmacharya (Sanskrit word) means student stage of life.

Grihastha (Sanskrit word) means the householder stage of life.

Vanaprastha (Sanskrit word) means this stage starts after you fulfilled your household duties.

Sanyasa (Sanskrit word) means the stage of renunciation, the goal at this stage is to get liberation from the cycle of births and rebirths (if you believe in reincarnation else going to paradise permanently)

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Liveoncelivewild, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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