How do Humans come into existence?

Cosmic Calender

How do Humans come into existence? We know now because of science, Earth will not be forever like this with humans as the dominant species, If we encapsulate the whole life period of the Earth as 100 years, the period of humans’ existence on Earth will be a period of 1 minute or maybe lesser … Read more

What is it that human beings desire most?


What is that human beings desire most? Answer: May I always be happy. Now the answer contains “I”, Is this I the real you? or is it an illusionary “I” created by your Mind? If the “I” is created by our Mind, then the Mind is created by the Body and Brain. The Body and … Read more

Thoughts Of Common Man

common man

Thoughts Of Common Man What can be an alternative system? is Capitalism, Socialism, or Communism can provide a decent living to people living below the poverty at the same time provide assured health care and economic security to all sections of people in society? How much stress do we feel in our lives? because of … Read more