Vedanta Definition Human Body out of box thinking

Vedanta Definition of the Human Body

Modern science defines the Human body as a unit enclosed in the Skin and skull with various organs and connecting tissue, and nerves.

Let’s see how Vedanta defines the Human body.

As per Vedanta, the human body is defined in terms of different layers, or in Sanskrit it is called Kosha.

The imperfections on any of these koshas result in various health issues we face either physical or mental issues.

Annamaya Kosha:

The body is made up of five base elements Earth, Fire, Water, Space, Air

Pranamaya Kosha:

A layer of Chakras in the body maintains vital flows of life energy in the human body.

Sahasrara or Crown chakra.

Ajna chakra Between Eye Brows.

Vishuddha Chakra in Throat.

Anahata Chakra in the Heart.

Manipura Chakra in the Navel.

Svadhisthana Chakra is located at the root of sexual organs.

Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the Spine.

Manomaya Kosha:

The different minds we have like the Subconscious mind(Alpha waves), Deep Subconscious mind (Theta waves), Superconscious mind (Delta waves)

Vignamanamaya Kosha: The intuition and repository of knowledge we gain.

Anandamaya Kosha: Remember times you are in a zone when you achieved something after a lot of hard work or some creative thoughts get you peak experience.