what time is it


what time is it? Hmm easy to answer right? , Look at your watch or phone and you know it. Let’s rephrase the question like below What is time? Now Several thoughts pop up. The only thing we can do with time is measure, however, it is not having a material-like existence. Is it like … Read more

How to reduce credit card debt?

How to reduce credit card debt?

How to reduce credit card debt? There are two possibilities if you are seeing this page, one is as a casual reader you might have encountered this topic, or you may be really suffering from credit card debt. Whatever it may be, let us see if we can understand this in a non-technical way. Unless … Read more

Presence of Mind

Presence of mind

It is easy to advise people to have the presence of mind, however, is it that easy to practice it and get results? the answer is clearly No. What training options of available for us to improve our presence of mind? First, let’s understand what the presence of the mind is. I believe the presence … Read more

Voor jongere mensen kan yoga helpen bij het verbeteren van flexibiliteit, kracht en lichaamsbewustzijn.