Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga The foundational book for Yoga is “Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras“ Before we jump into more details, we need to understand what are the advantages and why you should do it? The ultimate goal of any yoga practice is to achieve God-realization or enlightenment. However, even if you do not achieve the above goals, the … Read more

Conversation between Krishna and Duryodhana Enlightening

Conversation between Krishna and Duryodhana

We often struggle to control our behavior and experience the helplessness of not being able to react appropriately to a given situation, here is a story or conversation which touches on this topic. Conversation between Krishna and Duryodhana For those who do not know who these people are, let me explain a little bit. Krishna … Read more

What is Enlightenment?


Enlightenment is a priceless word because once you achieve it, nothing more to be done. This is the single most desire across most intelligent people, However, to date, nobody explained how is that experience exactly and what it is. and how does a person who is enlightened experience the world and live? the answer so … Read more