Introducing Aparokshanubhuti by Adi Shankara

Aparokshanubhuti by Adi Shankara

Aparokshanubhuti translated as Self-Realization Adi Shankara, an Indian philosopher who lived in the 8th century, is known for his contributions to the field of Vedanta philosophy. One of his most famous works is the Aparokshanubhuti, which translates to “Self-Realization”. This text serves as a guide for those seeking enlightenment and sheds light on the path … Read more

Astika vs Nastika: A self help Comparative Study

Astika vs Nastika

Who are Astika and Nastika? Indian philosophy is divided into two main schools of thought. One is Astika, which affirms the authority of the Vedas, while the other is Nastika, which does not. The term Astika means “one who believes in the existence of God or gods,” while Nastika means “one who does not believe … Read more

Six Darshanas of Indian Philosophy Monumental

Six Darshanas Indian Philosophy

Indian philosophy is rich in tradition and history, dating back to ancient civilization. A significant aspect of Indian philosophy is the Six Darshanas, which emerged as a way to understand the world and its complexities. The term Darshanas in Sanskrit means “visions” or “perceptions,” which involves a set of theories and practices for self-realization and … Read more

Pramana: 6 types of essential thought processes


Pramana is the way to understand and internalize Vedanta Vedanta is a philosophy that has been studied and practiced for thousands of years. It is believed to be one of the oldest philosophical systems in the world. Vedanta teaches that we are not separate from the universe, but rather, we are a part of it. … Read more