Self-understanding with Vedanta

Vedanta can help in self-understanding

self-understanding By providing a means of knowledge, or pramana, to discover one’s true nature, which is identical with Brahman.

According to Vedanta, the self, or atman, is not the body, mind, intellect, or ego, which are all objects of perception and subject to change and limitation.

The self is pure awareness, which is ever-present, unchanging, limitless, and blissful.

Vedanta uses a method of self-inquiry, or atma-vichara, to help one discriminate between the self and the not-self, and to remove the ignorance and false identification that cause suffering and bondage.

Vedanta also teaches various practices, such as meditation, devotion, ethics, and service, to help one purify the mind and prepare it for self-knowledge.

Vedanta is not a religion or a belief system, but a science of consciousness that uses impeccable logic to help us self-understanding the nature of the self, consciousness, and reality itself.

By knowing the self-concept, one knows everything, because everything has its existence in the self alone. This is the goal of Vedanta: to attain moksha, or liberation from all suffering and limitation.

Vedanta is a system of philosophy and spirituality that originated in India.

Based on the teachings of the Upanishads.The ancient scriptures that form the end part of the Vedas.

Vedanta means “the end of knowledge”, implying that it reveals the ultimate truth about oneself and reality.

Vedanta is also known as Advaita Vedanta, which means “non-dual Vedanta”, Because it asserts that there is only one reality, which is Brahman, the absolute and supreme consciousness.

There are different ways to learn more about Vedanta, depending on your level of interest, availability, and preference. Some of the possible options are:

Reading books or articles on Vedanta, especially the primary texts such as the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Brahma Sutras, as well as commentaries and explanations by various teachers and scholars.

Listening to or watching lectures, podcasts, videos, or webinars on Vedanta by qualified and authentic teachers who can explain the concepts clearly and logically.

Joining a study group or a course on Vedanta, either online or in person, where you can interact with other students and a teacher, ask questions, and discuss the topics in depth.

self-understanding by Practicing meditation, self-inquiry, devotion, ethics, and service as prescribed by Vedanta to prepare your mind for self-knowledge and experience the teachings directly.

Seeking guidance from a guru or a mentor who can guide you personally on your spiritual journey and help you overcome any doubts or obstacles in self-understanding.

Watch the lecture “Who am I” by Swami Sarva Priyananda, click here

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