Heaven: Does it really exists?

Heaven and Hell

The concept of heaven in ancient times likely arose from a combination of factors: Why the concept of heaven was created in ancient times? Here are some specific examples from ancient cultures: These are just a few examples, and the concept of heaven has evolved greatly throughout history. But the core reasons likely stemmed from … Read more

Best self help books 2024

Best Self Help Books 2024

Here are some of the best self help books from 2024, along with brief summaries: Remember these best self help books offers unique perspectives and tools for personal growth. Choose the ones that resonate with you and align with your goals! 📚✨ Image credit Antoine Therizols ekkla, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Sanskrit Learning Tips

Sanskrit Learning-phonology-chart

Improve your Sanskrit Learning with the following Tasks and methods Vocabulary: Sanskrit Learning Grammar: Comprehension and Translation: Sanskrit Learning with Creative Activities: Advanced Sanskrit: Tips for Sanskrit Learning: Image credit William Dwight Whitney, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Dharma the unique concept Indian Philosophy

Dharma Chakra Konark Temple

Dharma is an unique concept in Indian philosophy Dharma is a central concept shared by many religions in the Indian subcontinent, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Dharma is often translated as “duty,” “virtue,” or “righteousness,” but its meaning is more complex. It refers to the moral and ethical duties and responsibilities that individuals must … Read more

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