How to in Pandemic Times

Pandemic Times

Pandemic Times The last year was a tough period for a lot of people who lost their loved ones. Also to the people who lost their livelihood. How we can help communities to gain jobs. If you are able to spend some money, get some services from people, the same services you might be doing … Read more

What is Compulsive shopping?

Compulsive shopping

What is compulsive shopping? In simple terms unable to control the urge to shop when your mind says no. I believe everybody goes through compulsive shopping at times in their life. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of it and the causes of it. Here below useful video explaining it. Credits Heidi Hartston PhD For … Read more

What is Mirror Neuron?

Mirror Neuron

What is Mirror Neuron? Significance of Mirror Neurons. They help in learning by imitation and in social skill development and much more Please go through this excellent presentation by DR V.S. Ramachandran at TEDEd. Interested in more psychology topics? please click below Also, see Feeding on nature is secret to good health

Alice in Wonderland syndrome

alice in wonderland

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS) is a rare neurological condition that affects perception, causing visual and spatial distortions. Named after Lewis Carroll’s classic book, the syndrome causes the individual to perceive the world as if they have fallen down a rabbit hole. This condition is commonly found in children, but can also affect adults. In … Read more