How to Manage Stress in Daily Life

Managing Stress

Manage Stress in Daily Life For Managing Stress important is “Sleep well”.Keep Toxic people away from you.Learn new things when you feel stressed.Plan upfront and make checklists for things to do in the future.Fact-check things for which you need further insight.Keep a circle of friends.Try to see positive outcomes from negative situations. For More … Read more

Practical Motivational Quotes

Motivational quotes

Motivational Quotes If you suspect something not right, take the advice of experts and elders. Don’t waste time trying to solve yourself. The above will apply to all life situations. While-Reading through this, Take a deep breath you will feel better, practice this to do often. you will see better results. Suddhavichara Your thoughts and … Read more

How to Improve Communication Skills Alone?

Improve Communication Skills

Most people are worried about the question ‘How to Improve communication skills alone’ For better communication skills, Listening is fundamental. Repeat what the other party says and get a confirmation. Respond with consistent voice speed and volume not too fast or too slow. Breath consciously in between two to improve blood supply to your brain. … Read more

Man’s search for meaning

Man's Search For Meaning

The book “Man’s Search For Meaning” by Viktor E Frankl is worth reading. Motivates you by showing how a lot of others in the world might have gone through more difficult situations than you. Examine our deepest desire for meaning and purpose in life. Are you interested in more topics? please click below

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