Best Inspirational Quotes When You Need Motivation

Best Inspirational Quotes When You Need Motivation

Inspirational Quotes When You Need Motivation Motivation seems to be something we all crave, yet it’s not always easy to find. Our desire to be happy and find our life’s purpose often leaves us wandering to different entities in order to achieve happiness. Sometimes, the best place to find the pick-me-up we are looking for … Read more

Why Rama is a God in India?


Why was Rama Worshiped As God? or Why Rama is a God in India? As we know in some east Asian countries also he is a “God”. To understand this, we need to understand the culture of India over the ages. Philosophy and Religion were debated and refined in India over thousands of years. As … Read more

What are the Reasons for Sadness?


What are the reasons for sadness? In Mahabharata, there is a conversation between Bhishma and Yudhistir about Why do we experience sadness and what are the sources? There are several reasons Bhishma explains and lists the sources and the list is exhaustive. We tend to get overwhelmed by the feeling of sadness and our critical … Read more

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