How is Moksha achieved by Uplifting yourself

The enigmatic question How is Moksha achieved

Moksha is a Sanskrit word that means liberation or release. It is an important concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The idea of attaining Moksha is to escape the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, and to achieve ultimate freedom. The attainment of Moksha is the ultimate goal of human existence.

As a precaution if somebody claims he achieved Moksha don’t believe it, now this is a circular problem, the people who really know they achieved moksha never claim so, since claiming moksha itself indicates the lack of self-realization indicating ego is playing tricks, let’s get the perspective based on Vedanta, Buddhism, and Jainism.

How is Moksha achieved: Understanding the Concept of Moksha

There are several pathways mentioned throughout history for How is Moksha achieved

Moksha is considered as the ultimate goal of human life. It is the final liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. It is an eternal state of being, free from all kinds of suffering and pain. According to Hinduism, Moksha is the realization of the true self or Atman. It is the realization that the individual self is not different from the absolute reality or Brahman.

In Buddhism, Moksha is known as Nirvana. It is the state of ultimate enlightenment where there is no longer any suffering, desire, or attachment. Nirvana is achieved by following the Eightfold Path and understanding the Four Noble Truths.

In Jainism, Moksha is called Kevala Jnana. It is the state of perfect knowledge and liberation from all karmic bondage. It is achieved by following the teachings of the Tirthankaras and practicing self-control, meditation, and right conduct.

The Steps to Achieve Moksha: A Comprehensive Guide

The path to attaining Moksha is not easy but mentioned achievable. Here are some steps that one can follow:

  1. Self-Realization: The first step towards attaining Moksha is to realize the true nature of the self. One must understand that the individual self is not different from the absolute reality or Brahman. Self-realization can be achieved through the practice of meditation, self-reflection, and self-inquiry.

  2. Detachment: The second step towards attaining Moksha is to detach oneself from all worldly desires and attachments. One must learn to let go of all material possessions, relationships, and attachments that are holding them back from achieving ultimate freedom.

  3. Karma Yoga: Karma Yoga is the path of action without attachment to the fruits of that action. It involves performing one’s duty without seeking any personal gain or reward. By practicing Karma Yoga, one can rid themselves of all karmic bondage and achieve Moksha.

  4. Bhakti Yoga: Bhakti Yoga is the path of devotion to a personal god or deity. By surrendering oneself to a higher power and practicing devotion, one can achieve Moksha.

  5. Jnana Yoga: Jnana Yoga is the path of knowledge and wisdom. It involves the study of scriptures and the pursuit of knowledge that leads to the realization of the true self and the ultimate reality.

  6. Meditation: Meditation is an essential practice on the path to Moksha. It helps one to calm the mind and focus on the true self. Through regular meditation practice, one can attain higher states of consciousness and ultimately achieve Moksha.

  7. Self-Realization: The ultimate step towards achieving Moksha is self-realization. It is the state of complete awareness and understanding of the true self and the ultimate reality.

  8. Service: Service to others is also an important aspect of the path to Moksha. By helping others and practicing selflessness, one can purify their soul and achieve Moksha.

Attaining Moksha is the ultimate goal of human existence. It is achieved by following the path of self-realization, detachment, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga, meditation, and service. The path to Moksha is not easy, but it is achievable. By following these steps, one can attain ultimate freedom and liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

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