The power of habit

The power of habit

Humans are creatures of habit. We automatically seek the things that are pleasurable and avoid those things that we believe will be hard work. This is because we live in a world of rewards and punishments. We don’t want to experience punishment or discomfort, so we avoid it at all costs.

This article discusses how cognitive science can help you overcome your bad habits by understanding the psychology behind them and what motivates us to do what we do.

Habits can be defined as an acquired pattern of behavior that is typically performed automatically, unconsciously, and uncontrollably. A habit is a series of actions that form a routine. Habits are also known as “the usual way of doing things” or “our customary way of behaving”.

Habits sometimes lead to addictive behaviors. These behaviors are often maladaptive and can cause both mental and physical harm if they are not stopped. For example, individuals with a gambling addiction will persistently engage in the behavior even when it has negative life consequences such as poverty or relationship difficulties.

The best way to get rid of bad habits is to avoid the things that trigger them, like replacing smoking with chewing gum.

There are many behaviors that we often do without thinking.

Here are some habits that you may want to try and break:

  1. Don’t drink too much alcohol – Alcohol can disrupt a healthy sleep cycle and cause a loss of brain function.

2. Avoid eating too much sugar – Sugar can not only make your blood sugar spike but also lead to long-term health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

3. Do not eat too much salt – Salt is another unhealthy food choice as it can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke over time.

4. Cut back on cigarettes or nicotine – Cigarettes have been shown to have a negative effect on the lungs in particular due to the chemicals in them which include tar, carbon monoxide

One of the best books about the science of habits is “The power of habit”

Here below is a link to the summary of the book

Summary of The power of habit

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