Day of Brahma

The Puranas are a group of ancient Hindu texts that contain various myths, legends, and stories about the gods, goddesses, and heroes of Hinduism. One of the most significant revelations is the universe is cyclical, and it is created and destroyed in a never-ending cycle. The Puranic Day of Brahma is a cosmic tale that explains this cycle of creation and destruction in detail. In this article, we will delve into the creation and explore the Puranic Day of Brahma in detail.

The Creation according to Puranas

The universe was created by Lord Brahma, the god of creation. Lord Brahma is said to have emerged from a lotus that grew from the navel of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe.

Once Lord Brahma emerged from the lotus, he set about creating the universe. He created the four Vedas, the Hindu scriptures, and then created the gods and goddesses of the Hindu pantheon. He also created the humans, animals, and plants that populate the world. The creation of the universe took Lord Brahma five divine years, or 1,728,000,000 human years.

After creating the universe, Lord Brahma took on the role of its preserver. He is said to have lived for 100 divine years, or 311.4 trillion human years. However, at the end of this time, the universe was destroyed, and Lord Brahma himself was absorbed back into Lord Vishnu.

The Puranic Day of Brahma: A Cosmic Tale

The Puranic Day of Brahma is a cosmic tale that describes the cycle of creation and destruction of the universe. According to this tale, the universe is created and destroyed in a never-ending cycle that lasts for one divine day of Lord Brahma, which is equal to 4,320,000,000 human years.

At the beginning of the Puranic Day of Brahma, Lord Vishnu awakens Lord Brahma from his deep sleep. Lord Brahma then sets about creating the universe once again. He creates the gods, goddesses, humans, animals, and plants, just as he did in the previous cycle. This cycle of creation lasts for 1,000 divine years, or 311.4 trillion human years.

After this period of creation, the universe enters a phase of preservation, which lasts for another 1,000 divine years. During this phase, Lord Brahma takes on the role of preserver, just as he did in the previous cycle. However, at the end of this phase, the universe begins to show signs of decay and destruction.

The final phase of the Puranic Day of Brahma is the phase of destruction. This phase lasts for 1,000 divine years, during which the universe is destroyed and absorbed back into Lord Vishnu. This destruction is brought about by Lord Shiva, the god of destruction, who dances the Tandava dance of destruction.

After the universe is destroyed, Lord Vishnu goes back to sleep, and Lord Brahma sleeps within a lotus that emerges from Lord Vishnu’s navel. This cycle of creation and destruction then begins again when Lord Vishnu awakens Lord Brahma at the beginning of the next Puranic Day of Brahma.

In conclusion, the Puranic Day of Brahma is a fascinating cosmic tale that explains the cycle of creation and destruction of the universe. According to this tale, the universe is created and destroyed in a never-ending cycle that lasts for one divine day of Lord Brahma. This cycle of creation and destruction is brought about by Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva, who together create, preserve, and destroy the universe. The Puranic Day of Brahma is a powerful reminder of the cyclical nature of existence and the impermanence of all things in the universe.

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