Shvetashvatara Upanishad chapter 4 verse 19


Shvetashvatara upanishad chapter 4 verse 19 is: अथ यः सर्वभूतानां ब्रह्माधिपतिर्वेदः । स एव सर्वस्य करणं । The one who knows the Brahman, the lord of all beings, is the creator of all. This verse is saying that Brahman is the creator of all. the Brahman is the supreme reality, the one true being. it … Read more

Wings of Indian Philosophy

Wings of Indian Philosophy discussed in the book Indian Philosophy by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

The wings of Indian philosophy refer to the six major schools of thought These schools of thought have emerged in the Indian subcontinent over the centuries: These six schools of thought aka wings of Indian philosophy represent the major currents of Indian philosophy. They have been debated and discussed for centuries, and they continue to … Read more

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