True Positive Negative False Positive Negative Alerts

True Positive True Negative False Positive False Negative

Types of Alerts: True Positive, True Negative, False Positive, False Negative In security, whether it is physical or cyber security, the alerts are basically 4 types. here they are listed. Security operation centers in cyber security focus on reducing false positives to improve efficiency. True Positive: Alert triggered, Really the incident happened. True Negative: No … Read more

Technology: Router, Interfaces, Ports


What are Routers, Interfaces, and their Physical ports? Computer networks are designed based on the OSI model. The OSI model has 7 layers out of which three are the physical layer, the data link layer, and the network layer, which usually refers to hardware layers, or where physical devices+software are deployed. The other 4 layers … Read more

Unlock basics of a TCP/IP packet

Basics of TCP/IP Wireshark

Basics of a TCP/IP For a cyber security professional or a networking professional after learning about a lot of fundamentals, comes the real need to understand TCP/IP, we know a lot of information available over the internet about this, also we know there are hundreds of videos exist to understand OSI model, don’t want to … Read more