Essential Statistics Concepts for AI

Essential Statistics Concepts AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a crucial part of modern technology, enabling machines to learn from data and make decisions. To facilitate the development of intelligent machines, it’s essential to have a fundamental understanding of statistics. In this article, we’ll discuss two essential statistics concepts for AI: probability distributions and key statistical measures for data … Read more

Python and cyber security

Python and cyber security

Investigating cyber security incidents with Python. Pandas can be used to normalize data from different log sources and analyze the resultant data. When dealing with large volumes of data, analysis becomes more complicated. This is because issues of storage and processing speed will arise. You may need to leverage the SIEM tool and cloud security … Read more

Jupytor notebook and doing an investigation


Knowledge required to use the Jupytor notebook Data analysis and doing Investigations with Jupytor notebooks really make the life of any data analyst or cyber security analyst easier. Nevertheless, we need to be aware of the following details before using the tool. Having specific domain knowledge is critical. Take a look at the analysis done … Read more

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